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The Most Powerful Probiotic
Sherry Torkos #1 recommendation for gut health......Bio K...It Works! .....more
The Vitamin D Revolution...What you need to know about Vitamin D!
Fallacies in Modern Medicine: Statins and the Cholesterol - Heart Hypothesis


CBD should be available over the counter in Canadian health food stores: Advocacy group

Canadians should have over the counter access to cannabidiol (CBD) as a natural health product, according to a new campaign from the Canadian Health Food Association (CHFA).Read More...

You've heard of probiotics — here's what you need to know about prebiotics

The Canadian Mental Health Association reports up to 15% of Canadians experience the winter blues. And feelings of fatigue and decreased energy take over. Check out our plan full of natural mood-enhancers to help slay the winter blues.Read More...

5 Ways to Detox Every Day

Happy 2019! If you’re welcoming the new year with the resolve to shake off unhealthy habits and the residue of holiday indulgences, you’re not alone. Many set their sights on a detox to kick off a healthy new year. The best thing about detox? Your body does it naturally! Every. Day. Your body works to breakdown, filter and rid itself of toxins through six organs of elimination: liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph, colon, and skin. Learn more about ways to detox naturally. Read More...

Canada’s Food Guide poised to shift focus from meat, dairy to vegetables, protein

Globe and Mail
Canada’s Food Guide is poised to reduce its emphasis on meat and dairy in a healthy diet and instead recommend consuming more plants and plant-based protein, according to a draft circulated for public feedback. Health Canada intends to finalize and release the new version of its influential guide in the coming months, but a report containing details of a draft version suggests a significant departure from the current guide, last updated in 2007. Most notably, the draft appears to move from an existing four food groups down to three: “vegetables and fruits,” “whole grains,” and a new “protein foods” group. Read More...

Can drinking collagen slow down aging and boost other functions?

Street Level Pundit
Collagen, an ingredient extracted from animal skins commonly found in anti-aging skin creams, has graduated from topical use to internal — a dietary supplement on the verge of being the next big wellness fad, with dozens of collagen syrups, drinks, powders and even gummies being marketed as a cure for everything from brittle nails to brain health. How much research? Some. But not much. That lack, though, isn’t stopping people from drinking it in the hopes that this might be the fountain of youth we’ve all dreamed of. Hopes are so high, in fact, that it’s already threatening the world’s donkey population — one of the preferred sources of collagen in Asia. Read More...

Dental X-rays can reveal vitamin D deficiency

New Atlas
A deficiency in vitamin D can not only cause bone problems such as rickets, but also raises the risk of death from cardiovascular disease. What's more, it's one of the most common vitamin deficiencies. The good news, however, is that your dentist may soon be able to detect it before it becomes a major problem. Read More...

Eye strain from reading on screens all day? Natural help is here: study

New Hope

Perhaps the biggest opportunity of all is a concern that affects pretty much every single person in the modern world—our codependency with our digital screens of computers, phones and tablets. Everyone, it seems, experiences eye strain and fatigue from staring at screens for so many hours a day. The macular carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin may protect eyes from prolonged use of digital screens, according to a new study. Read More

Natural skin and hair treatments

Global News Morning B.C.
Holistic nutritionist Michelle W. Book shows us some natural treatments for luminous skin and hair – help beat those winter blues with some easy ways to 'spice' up your routine. Click here to watch Michelle's interview for this guide to natural beauty. Read More...

3 proven health benefits of curcumin

Reader's Digest Best Health Mag
Research shows that curcumin is a health powerhouse: First, curcumin has shown impressive preliminary results in treating inflammation, particularly of the joints, skin, lung and intestines. Second, the compound may help keep your mind sharp: In brain disease research, curcumin has been shown to reduce oxidative damage. Read More...

Everything you need to know about vitamin B12 deficiency

The Guardian
B12 is involved in producing red blood cells, maintaining a healthy nervous system, and converting food to energy. It also helps to regulate the immune system and mood, and control levels of the amino acid homocysteine, elevated levels of which are associated with heart disease. Most people who eat meat, fish, eggs and dairy products get enough B12. Vegans are advised to eat fortified food and take supplements. Read More...

The real reasons why you´re having stomach problems

Huffington Post Canada
Do you ever feel bloated, tired, gassy, heavy or sick after eating? Perhaps a better question to ask is do you know why you sometimes feel this way? Probiotics and fermented foods can help to re-balance the gut flora and decrease discomfort. Fermented foods such as yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kombucha, kimchee, and miso are also high in natural probiotics. Read More...

How to tell if you're vitamin D deficient

Unfortunately, an estimated one billion people worldwide suffer from vitamin D deficiencies — and many of them may not realize they're vitamin D deficient, especially since people can be deficient during the warmer summer months when they feel as if they are getting plenty of rays. Read More...

Vitamin C may boost effectiveness of acute myeloid leukemia treatment

New findings published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences showed in lab studies that supplementing an epigenetic cancer drug called decitabine with vitamin C enhanced the drug´s ability to impede cancer cell growth and trigger cellular self-destruction in cancer cell lines. Many cancer patients are deficient in vitamin C; the proposed approach seeks to correct this deficiency rather than overload patients with the vitamin. Read More...


These 3 nutritional supplements can help combat the 'baby blues'

Global News
Eliminating the "baby blues" in women post-pregnancy can be done with the help of a cocktail of supplements, researchers at Toronto's Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) say. According to the study, which was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, tryptophan, tyrosine and blueberry extract (with blueberry juice for anti-oxidant effects) can help women regulate proteins and chemicals within the brain that affect mood. Read More...


Probiotic found in yogurt can reverse depression symptoms, UVA finds

Science Blog
Researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine have reversed depression symptoms in mice by feeding them Lactobacillus, a probiotic bacteria found in live-cultures yogurt. Further, they have discovered a specific mechanism for how the bacteria affect mood, providing a direct link between the health of the gut microbiome and mental health. Read More...


Pre- and probiotic health benefits: how they improve your whole body

Huffington Post Canada
With many recent studies focusing on the benefits of a diet that includes probiotics, also known as "good" bacteria, and prebiotics, which act as food for probiotics and promotes their growth, here we round up some of the ways that boosting levels of good bacteria could improve various conditions and overall health. Read More...

Everyone feels stress

Spektrum Anti-Blue Light Glasses

Statin Intolerance can be Resolved by Vitamin D

Energy Pollution in Your Home?
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